
How To Sell on Amazon | Seller Registration Complete Step By Step Process

How To Sell on Amazon Seller Registration Complete Step By Step Process
How To Sell on Amazon Seller Registration Complete Step By Step Process

we are going to talk about amazon Amazon, is very good. Platform For selling your product. Online Amazon has maintained a very good brand value between their costumer, And mostly, You may have seen that If a person wants to a buy a product first, he surely try to check it on amazon That weather it is available on amazon or not.

And if u also wants to sell your products online, Then you can generate very good sales through amazon. =

So in this post we will talk in details that For selling on amazon, which documents you will be required And step by step, how you can register on amazon. So, first of all, we will see Document and requirement for registration on amazon.

First of all, your individual pan card, if it is proprietorship firm, if its PVT LTD. company, then companies pan card, Then your GST number, Your bank account current or saving Your email, id And mobile number.

First of all, visit on amazon.in. If you scroll down, you will get an option Sell on amazon Here you will see two business plan, Professional or individual From where we will select professional And will click on get started When you scroll down, They have told the benefits For selling on amazon like, For Example, they have very big customer base, Then about fast and stress, free shipping, No fixed cost, Which means when your product will be sold.

Then only you have to pay Then securely and timely payment. They even provide professional services. Then, after scrolling down, we will click on register. Now, Here new page will be opened where We will have to make account for amazon seller central.

So first we will fill our name here. Then email address And password Click on create you account In next page. We will have to add our legal business name, which means whatever the name by which your business is registered On agreeing term & amp condition.

Click on continue. This is mobile, verification step. Add your mobile number on which you will receive OTP, And we will verify it Here, will have to fill your seller information in which, first of all, you have to fill your store name, which you want to add.

This store name should be unique, And this store name shall represent your business nature So that, just by seeing your store name, Costumer can know the type of product which you deal Here. We will select category in whichever you want to sell your product Later.

You can change it and even select multiple category. So, as we have filled kitchen Later then pin code Here fill your area pin code from where ever your are operating your business Later, you have to add your business address After selecting city pin, everything is automatically selected And then let’s click on continue After clicking on This you will get Information weather the amazon shipping service is available on that area or not, And if amazon shipping service is not available, Then you will have to ship it from third party courier company And the pin code, which we have added, has service available.

Here Then, we will click on next. Here we will have to add our GST number. For now we will skip it. You can later update it through your panel. This step is about seller interview, Where we will have to add some additional information Like in which categories you will sell your product.

Let us select kitchen from here Home, consumer electronics and office products. When you scroll down, you have to add some more information, For example, where you will provide products Weather, you are manufacture, importer or you are reseller.

Lets us select reseller for now Later, can you select it? According to you, Then your annual turnover .And, how much products you will sell And weather you are selling on the website or not. Let us select no from here And click to next, then.

This is the final stage to launch your business. First of all is create your amazon listing Here. Listing means list of your products on amazon panel And when you click on start listing, we directly comes to the page of add a product.

Here you can search any product on amazon for listing it on your amazon panel And when you scroll down next is set shipping rate From here. We select the courier rates That, when a person will place the order, what courier charges he has to pay Amazon uses.

Two types of shipping first os self and second, is easy ship In self ship. You have to ship product by your self through the third party And easy ship. Is Amazon’s own logistic, In which amazon persons visit you takes all the shipment and deliver it to costumer.

You receive self ship orders comes only when the amazon’s. Ship service is not in particular, your area, so for changing it lets click on edit button see here they created 4 levels, First 3 are of self ship and the last one is of easy ship from first three.

You can select that in which area you will use self ship. First one is express domestic in which you have to deliver the product to costumer in 2-4 days. Second, one is standard domestic. In this you get 4-7 days to deliver the product, and after that comes ruler, region in which you have to deliver the product to the costumer in 5- 14 days.

These three are of self ship. For this you have to use third party courier company, you can uncheck it if you don’t want to ship in particular region. After this, the last amazon easy ship by default is selected dynamic.

So we will click on continues from here. We can select the shipping rate here. We have two options. First is weight wise and the second is item wise. If you select item-wise, then the customer has to pay item wise shipping charges.

Suppose you have selected 50 rupee charges per item and if the costumer orders two units of ay order, then he will have to pay 100 rupees as shipping charges in weight-wise. You can categorize it by weight in which, according to kg gm shipping, charges will cost.

So let us select it here by per item and add 50 rupee per item as shipping charges and by confirming the settings get saved. So by this we can select the shipping rate, and the next option is asking for bank details here.

You have specify Account holder, name, Acc-No, IFSC code and account type. Next is tax details your pan number and your GST identification number has to be added. Fifth step is product tax code. It is little important according to GST.

Let me tell you about it in this. You are required to add you tax code for your products that, in which tax class your products comes in, for example, as per government, some tax slab has been decided like 12 %, 18 %, 28 % and 5 %.

So, by default, the tax which you will be collecting on product – you can add it here And if your product tax class is different-different for Then by adding single single product, you can change it As they have already made text code.

Gen_Exmpt means this is for tax free product. Then there is GEN_SUPERREDUCED which for product having tax of 5 %, A GEN_REDUCED which is for 12 % tax and then a GEN_STANDARD, which is for 18 % tax. So like this, they have made tax slabs.

So you can choose whatever by default according to your product, so here we choose by default 18 % and save it now. Here you have to upload you scanned sign, because whenever your product will be sale, your sign will be printed.

There now. Finally, lets click on launch your business continue to seller centre. This is amazon. Seller centre account’s. Dashboard has been opened, which has given us all the options. So whenever you will login in your account with your login and password, you will get this dashboard See here.

All the options has been given. First, one is of catalog from where you can add new product, and the next is inventory from here. You can manage your inventory here. Also, you will get add a product option, you can a add a product through & quot, add product via upload & quot inventory report and all the other option has been given here.

Then there is pricing where you can watch your pricing dash board and can manage your price and there the pricing alerts you want can be managed here. Next step is of orders where you can manage orders download all of your order reports.

You can manage your order. Even returns can be managed from here. Next step is of advertisement from where you can run your advertisement for your product on amazon and then report where you will get all the reports of payments selling and business next is performance from where you will get your account.

Health and account metrics that how are you performing overall last is of service where third party service is given photography and etc. Use, if you want this, our final dashboard here, all of your orders will be shown that how many orders you have got here, the messages you will receive here you can watch your account.

Health here summary of total sales in last week or days, will be shown here here, the payment summary and some of the reports from amazon coach will shown. So. Finally, our amazon account is ready, Happy selling.

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